Image by Laura Jane Turner
Girls Act Good (GAG) is an all female collective of actors, writers, directors, producers, THEATREMAKERS and FILMMAKERS based in Melbourne. The focus of GAG is providing creative opportunities to women and giving a voice to people and their stories that normally go unheard and unnoticed. Projects for women by women.
“… keep your eye out for the Girls Act Good, because the girls certainly do… act good.”
Image by Laura Jane Turner
Created in 2013, Jennifer Monk has forged Girls Act Good (GAG) into a collective of creators, writers, actors, directors and producers committed to creating highly disciplined cutting edge work that packs an emotional punch, for and by women.
Jennifer started GAG to create roles for all the talented women she kept seeing competing for too few roles during her time as Company Director in a production house. Jennifer is interested in exploring character's personalities, stories and truths instead of focusing on their gender in the creative collective.
GAG started with a moved reading of Secret Bridesmaids Business (Elizabeth Coleman). It became a popular monthly workshop where actresses form bonds, develop their skills and push their own boundaries in a supportive environment.
GAG facilitates monthly moved readings and speciality workshops for its members, and produces film and theatre for the public.